(a) 漫畫中德國人「延伸我的船」是甚麼意思?他又是否滿意延伸的結果?試根據資料A,解釋你的答案。
(1+3 分)
(b) 根據資料B,奧匈於1914年向塞爾維亞動手是由於哪一件歷史事件?為什麼奧匈要於1914年向塞爾維亞動手?試就你個人所知,解釋你的答案。
(1+2 分)
(c) 漫畫家對1914年歐洲局勢持甚麼看法?試根據資料B,解釋你的答案。
(3 分)
(d) 資料A及B能否充分反映第一次世界大戰發生的原因?試根據資料A及B,並就你個人所知,解釋你的答案。
(a) 你認為資料A漫畫的主要信息是什麼?試參考資料A,解釋你的答案。
(3 分)
(b) 從資料B歸納同盟制度的性質。參考資料B,解釋你的答案。
(4 分)
(c) 就導致第一次世界大戰爆發而言,你認為軍備競賽和同盟制度哪一個是更重要的因素?試參考資料A和B,並就你對1900-1914年歐洲歷史發展所知,解釋你的答案。
(8 分)
Source A
The following cartoon, named “Vain Expansion”, was published in a British newspaper in 1912.
Germans said, “God! The harder I expand my ship, the longer the other one become!”
Source B
The following cartoon was published in 1914 with the title, “Chain of Friendship”
Serbia – “If you dare to touch me, I will…”
Austria-Hungary – “If you dare to move, I will….”
Russia – “If you dare to touch that little guy, I will…”
Germany – “If you dare to attack him, I will…”
France – “If you dare to hit him, I will…”
Britain – “Hey there! If you don’t…”
Basic Question
(a) What does “expanding my ship” mentioned by the German mean? Does he satisfy with the result? Explain your answer with the reference to Source A.
(1+3 marks)
(b) What historical incident is mentioned in Source B? What was the cause of the incident? Explain your answer with the reference to your own knowledge.
(1+2 marks)
(c) What was the cartoonist’s view on the circumstances of Europe in 1914? Explain your answer with the reference to Source B.
(3 marks)
(d) What are the usefulness and limitations of Sources A and B in reflecting the causes of WWI? Explain your answer with the reference to Sources A, B and your own knowledge.
(6 marks)
Challenge Question
(a) What, in your opinion, was the main message of the cartoon in Source A? Explain your answer with reference to Source A.
(3 marks)
(b) Infer from Source B the nature of alliance system. Explain your answer with reference to Source B.
(4 marks)
(c) Which—armaments race or alliance system—do you think was a more important factor in causing the outbreak of the First World War? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B and using your own knowledge of European historical development from 1900 to 1914.
(8 marks)