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(a) 參考資料A,指出香港殖民地管治在第二次世界大戰出現轉變的兩項原因。(2分)





- 中華人民共和國的誕生

- 世界反殖民主義潮流的高漲





(b) 參考資料B,指出1938-1996年間立法局的兩項變化。並從資料B引用兩項線索,支持你的答案。(2+2分)




L1 僅能指出兩項變化,而未有引用相關線索支持答案或僅指出一項變化,而能夠引用相關線索支持答案。 [最多2分]

L2 能指出兩項變化,並引用相關線索支持答案。 [最多4分]



- 華人議員人數不斷增加。

- 非官守議席數目不斷增加,官守議席數目則不斷減少。

- 1986年以前,全部議員皆為委任,1986年後則逐步由選舉產生。



- 能適當引用相關數字。

- 能適當使用表格上「委任」、「選舉產生」等提示。






(c) 就反映直至1997年本地華人參與香港殖民地管治而言,資料A及B有何用處及局限?試參考資料A及B,並就你所知,解釋你的答案。(7分)




L1 片面︰僅討論資料的用處或局限。 [最多4分]

L2 全面︰涵蓋用處和局限。 [最多7分]



- 資料A︰1950年後香港華人政務官人數逐漸增加。

- 資料B︰1938-1996年間,立法局華人議員數目不斷增加。



- 欠缺具體例子,如立法局、行政局華人議員何啟、周壽臣、鍾士元、鄧蓮如,等等。

- 東華醫院、保良局、華商總會等華人組織被納入政府諮詢架構。

- 華人政團的成立(如民主黨、民主建港聯盟)。












(a) With reference to Source A, identify two causes for changes in the colonial administration of Hong Kong after the Second World War. (2 marks)

Candidates’ performance

Most candidates were able to point out two causes for changes in the colonial administration of Hong Kong after the Second World War.

Marking scheme

- Birth of the People’s Republic of China

- Trend of anti-colonialism in the world ran high

Suggested answer

Anti-colonialism emerged in the People’s Republic of China (PRC) which led to changes in the colonial administration of Hong Kong.

According to source A, the “birth of the People’s Republic of China” forced the colonial government  “to introduce drastic changes” after WWII, giving up previous approaches in administration in response to the changing political environment. Therefore the birth of PRC caused changes in colonial administration of Hong Kong after WWII.

Meanwhile, source A also states that there was a “rising tide of global anti-colonialism”, which pushed the colonial government to decentralize its power by allowing local Chinese to take part in administration, and to bring about administrative changes so as to remain in power. Prevalence of anti-colonialism hence also gave rise to changes in post-war colonial administration.

(b) With reference to Source B, identify two changes in the Legislative Council in the period 1938-1996. Cite two clues from Source B to support your answer. (2+2 marks)

Candidates’ performance

Most candidates were able to point out two changes in the Legislative Council in the period 1938-1996, and supported their answers with clues from the source. Some weaker candidates merely cited the data without summarizing the changes, and were thus awarded no marks.

Marking scheme

L1 Identify two changes without citing relevant clues or identify one change supported by relevant clue. [max. 2]

L2 Identify two changes supported by relevant clues. [max. 4]



- The number of Chinese members continuously increased

- The number of seats for unofficial members increased continually while that for official members decreased continually

- Before 1986, all members were appointed; after 1986, elected members increased gradually



- Able to cite relevant figures

- Able to use hints such as ‘appointed’ and ‘elected’ from the table

Suggested answer

The first change shown in source B is the continuous increase of Chinese members in the Legislative Council.

In 1938, there were only 3 Chinese legislators out of 17, which was far less than half of the total number of legislators. In 1996, all 60 members of the Legislative Council were Chinese. From the above data, it can be seen that the number of Chinese legislators increased from 3 in 1938 to all 60 in 1996, there was a continuous increase of Chinese legislators.

The second change is the way of selecting legislators, which changed from appointment to election.

Source B shows that in 1938, all 17 official and unofficial members of the Legislative Council was appointed. However in 1996, all 60 legislators were elected . There was a change of method in selecting legislators from 1938 to 1996, from appointment to election.

(c) What are the usefulness and limitations of Sources A and B in reflecting the participation of local Chinese in the colonial administration of Hong Kong up to 1997? Explain your answer with reference to Sources A and B, and using your own knowledge. (7 marks)

Candidates’ performance

Most candidates were able to point out the usefulness and limitations of the sources, but excellent answers were rare. Quite many candidates merely cited information from the source without discussing how it was related to the Chinese participation in Hong Kong’s colonial administration. Moreover, many candidates failed to cite concrete example when discussing limitations. Weaker candidates misunderstood the question as requiring an explanation of the local Chinese participation in Hong Kong’s colonial administration.

Marking scheme

L1 Lopsided: discussing either usefulness or limitations of the sources. [max. 4]

L2 Comprehensive: discussing both usefulness and limitations. [max. 7]



- Source A: the number of Administrative Officers who were Chinese increased gradually after 1950

- Source B: the number of Chinese members in the Legislative Council increased continually in the period 1938-1996



- lack concrete example: Chinese members in the Legislative and Executive Councils such as Ho Kai, Shouson Chow, Sze-Yuen Chung, and Lydia Dunn.

- Chinese organizations such as Tung Wah Hospital, Po Leung Kuk and Chinese General Chamber of Commerce formed part of the consultation framework of the government.

- Chinese political groups were set up (e.g. The Democratic Party of Hong Kong and The Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong (DAB)).

Suggested answer

Usefulness of the sources will first be discussed.

Source A states that colonial government “began to implement the policy of localizing the civil service in the late 1940s”, local Chinese took part in colonial administration as “Administrative Officers”. Until 1978, 44.4% of Administrative Officers were Chinese, indicating that Chinese participated in colonial rule as Administrative Officers.

Source B shows that the number of Chinese legislator was 3 in 1938, which was far less than half of the total number of legislators. However in 1996, all 60 members of the Legislation Council were Chinese, there was a 20 times increase. This shows that Chinese started to take part in colonial administration by joining the Legislative Council, so as to voice out their concerns and demands.

Limitations of the sources will be discussed below.

According to my knowledge, Heung Yee Kuk was established in 1926, allowing indigenous inhabitants to voice out their opinion to the colonial government, Heung Yee Kuk facilitated communication between them. Heung Yee Kuk also acted as an indirect channel for Chinese to participate in colonial administration.

Meanwhile, Chinese elites such as  Ho Kai and Chou Shouson was invited to join the government because of their high level of education and social status. They not only assisted colonial government in administration, but also strived for better living standard of the locals, showing that Chinese elites also took part in colonial administration.

Moreover, local Chinese joined governmental organizations such as the Regional Council and Executive Council to give advice to the colonial government and to facilitate cooperation between the government and locals, which contributed to stable social development. Hence local Chinese participated in colonial administration by joining Regional Council and Executive Council.

Local Chinese also organized political parties such as Democratic Alliance for the Betterment and Progress of Hong Kong, Meeting Point and The United Democrats of Hong Kong, through elections and demonstrations, they aimed to influence government policies, which is also regarded as Chinese participation in colonial administration.

Last but not least, local Chinese not only took up the position as Administrative Officers, some Chinese elites even became high-ranking civil servants, for instance,  Anson Chan and Donald Tsang were appointed asChief Secretary and Financial Secretary respectively, which was also a way to take part in colonial adminstration.




題目拆解 參考答案(中文版) (a)(i) 根據漫畫家,巴爾幹地區的形勢是否嚴峻?參考資料D,解釋你的答案。(3分) 考生表現 表現良好。很多考生能夠指出巴爾幹地區的形勢嚴峻。他們亦能以資料作答。 評分參考 L1 能描述有關形勢,但未能作出有效解釋。 [最多1分]...


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